Tapestry -you will meet yourself- Free Download Googledrive
Tapestry -you will meet yourself- | light | VN Download GoogleDrive | Free Download GD | タペストリー -you will meet yourself

Hajime is a member of the handicrafts club. He's the one and only male member, but he's an expert at it because his father taught him so well. He enjoys his school life with other club members and classmates, but his life dramatically changes one day. He suddenly falls down unconscious and is sent to hospital.A while later, he learns that his days are numbered. Hajime decides, "I'll die without ever showing a sad face to my family and friends. I won't tell anybody about my illness." But his childhood friend, Hikari, finds out about it anyway. It isn't long before all of his friends know. Nobody wants to believe it, but...
"We'll just pretend we don't know about his illness..." They decide to smile in front of him and cry inside their hearts...
Title : Tapestry -you will meet yourself-
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